The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, responsible for production and consumption, is deeply interconnected with Eco Fashion Week Africa’s core mission. This goal advocates for sustainable manufacturing processes, efficient resource use, and a significant reduction in waste — principles that were effectively showcased and promoted through each day of the event. Here’s how Eco Fashion Week Africa highlighted SDG 12:
Sustainable Practices Showcased

We highlight and promoted designers who embody sustainable practices, using organic, recycled, or upcycled materials, and employing methods that reduce environmental impact. We also used the week to encourage and teach student designers how to navigate their way into sustainable fashion in Kenya by giving them the No New Clothes challenge. 

Educational Panels and Workshops:

Eco Fashion Week Africa is more about deep educational workshops and interactive sessions that educate attendees about sustainable consumption, textile recycling, the impact of fast fashion, and ways to minimize waste. 

It is an event that has cause controversy because the mass production world does not understand how a fashion week can focus on not producing new clothes and not selling clothes. 

We strongly believe that one of the most effective ways to beat overconsumption is by educating people in a fun and interactive way.

Collaboration with Ethical Brands:

This was one of the most challenging part in Vol 1. It was impossible to convince the well established Eco brands in Kenya to join us because (rightfully so), they were interested in knowing how much they will sell during the event. We struggled to find designers who were willing to be part of the educational week and we are grateful to have found and worked with Afrowema and Seeds and stories who believed in being part of educating consumers about responsible purchasing choices.

we also struggled to find Sustainable companies that were willing to sponsor the event but stood our ground in saying no to sponsorship requests from the biggest environmental poluters like single use plastic bottle companies.

We promise to maintain this stand and only work/collaborate with Eco conscious brands.


If you are a brand or an organisation interested in Vol 2, we can't wait to hear from you.
Our email is info@ecofashionweekafrica.com